Below you will find the answers to some of your most frequently asked questions. If you’d like further information about these or other questions we may not have covered, please take some time to review the Littleton Elementary District Student Handbook. As always, you are welcome to call us with questions as well.
What is the dress code for Littleton Elementary District schools?
In order to ensure that all students are treated fairly and with respect, we require uniforms for all students that consist of:
- Solid dark green/ash gray/burgundy/navy blue shirt with lay-down collar (polos, blouses, button-up dress shirt)
- Sweaters and sweatshirts should be the same as uniform top/shirt colors plus white or black. Only solid colors/no logos, no wearing of hoods inside.
- Solid navy/khaki shorts or slacks; no blue jeans, sweatpants, or stretchy materials (Girls may also wear skirts or jumpers.)
- No labels, tags, or logos may be showing
- No hats in the building
- Closed-toed shoes
What will happen if my child becomes ill while at school?
If a student becomes ill, we will attempt to notify a parent or guardian promptly, and we will care for the student in our nurse’s station until a parent or guardian arrives. Students may not leave school grounds without either a parent or another approved adult (as listed on the student’s information form). If the situation is a medical emergency, we will follow standard emergency procedures.
What is your attendance policy?
Good attendance is vital to the academic success of students. Without it, they miss out on important instruction that lays the foundation for more advanced concepts in reading and math. Of course, there are reasons for missing school, such as illness or family emergencies; in those instances please notify the school office of your child’s absence as soon as possible. Attendance lines are open 24 hours a day for your convenience. Making up missed classwork and tests is a student’s responsibility; check with your classroom teachers for more information. To participate in after-school activities, like athletics and dances, a student must have attended at least half the school day. As a district, we participate in the CUTS program through the Office of Juvenile Court, which tracks daily attendance and issues court-approved fines for excessive absences.
Attendance Lines
Collier Business Academy: 623-478-5901
Country Place Leadership Academy: 623-478-6101
Estrella Vista STEM Academy: 623-478-6201
Freeman Fine Arts Academy: 623-478-6401
Lakin Prep Academy: 623-478-6501
LESD Online Academy: 623-478-6601
Littleton STEM Academy: 623-478-5701
Quentin STEM Academy: 623-478-6001
Tres Rios Service Academy: 623-478-6301
Can my child carry a cell phone for emergencies?
Cell phones, cameras, iPods, and other electronic devices can be a disruption in class. Students should not use them during the school day. We understand their use in emergency situations, but those situations should not be happening during school hours. The district is not liable for any personal property that becomes lost, stolen, or destroyed; it is best they stay at home or put away in backpacks. If reasonable suspicion exists that students are using devices inappropriately, we reserve the right to review the contents of the device and hold students accountable for their actions.
I do not speak English very well. How can I communicate with my child’s teacher?
We are happy to provide interpretation services so you can participate meaningfully in meetings and conferences regarding your child(ren)’s education. Please contact your child’s school office prior to your scheduled meeting to request these services.
I would like to visit my child at school. What is your policy?
We would love to see you, but dropping in can be disruptive or create safety concerns. Please arrange your visit in advance with an appointment. All visitors should report to the school office upon arrival to obtain a visitor badge. For student safety, no person may enter classrooms or other school areas without approval by the principal. The principal will want to know about the purpose and length of your visit. If you would like to volunteer in the classroom, please see our Volunteer page for more information. Parents/guardians may make conference arrangements by appointment before or after school.
My child requires medicine during school hours. What are the rules for medications?
If it is necessary for a student to take medicine during school hours, we must receive a written order from your child’s doctor stating the name of the medicine, its dosage, and time to be given. We also need written permission from you to allow our nursing staff to administer it. All medicines must be in their original container. If students are diagnosed with anaphylaxis, they may carry and self-administer emergency medications themselves, but they must notify the school office if they use it. For breathing disorders, students may also carry inhalers for self-administration. Please be sure to put your child’s name on the label.