Littleton Elementary School District #65

Leaders in Learning, Caring, and Growing
Collage of three images of a student playing games on a laptop, art projects on display, and a teacher helping a student with classwork

Good News from the Schools

Things are constantly moving in our growing district! This is the page where we keep you informed about great things that are going on, so be sure to check back often! To view previous “Good News” events, please view one of the archived newsletters.

Falcon Fest

We kicked off our first Falcon Fest of the school year, celebrating our Kids at Hope Students from each grade level.

Safety First

Our students and staff participated in an important fire drill, and it was a fantastic learning experience.

Girls Basketball

Our girls basketball team made their season debut against Collier.

Art on Display

Our hallways are bright and colorful with the addition of the artwork from our first specials rotation.

Set the Stage

The Set the Stage Curriculum Night was a remarkable success, thanks to the families who attended.

Peter Piper Night

We want to thank everyone for attending our first Peter Piper Night of the 2024–2025 school year! We had such a great time with everyone! We look forward to seeing you at the next one.

Go Lions!

We are so excited to have sports this year at Lakin! Our girls basketball team and the flag football team have been hard at work practicing to prepare for the first games.

Mini Mustangs

Our mini Mustangs in kindergarten are off to a great start.

Learning New Tools

Students worked together using the Canva app to collaborate ideas for classroom norms.

IT Department

Our Technology Department has been providing incredible support for students and staff to start the year.